Part Time Job
at university have been discussing debatable or not they should have part time
job for students when they are in university. Some people think that students
shouldn’t have a part time job, because they will get loss of much time to
study and get on together with their family and friends. Pollykorotkykh ever
said that if we have part time job, we want to inadequacy time to focus in our
study. It is real if we have a job, we have limited time to take a rest and
they are probability having a trouble time to studying at home or at
university. Rossana also said “If the student has a part time job, they will
get loss of time to spend with their family and friends”. They have
responsibility with their job, so they are opting work better then family or
friends. On the other hand, other peoples also think that the students should
have part time job because they want to have salary and work experience.
According to Pollykorotkykh the students choose the part time job because they
get salary that can use to pay the tuition and living cost. They feel proud
because can helping out their parents for pay tuition. Lindsey Mayfield also
said that having part time job, besides getting extra money, but also will get
work experience. They can implement their knowledge to the real job. For
example, if someone enjoy teaching, working part time as a tutor may help him
or her improve teaching skill and gain experiences. We believe that students
want to choose having part time job, because it can help them to the eclipsed
about money problem, as long as they can’t ignore other duties in their
It is
the lack of time for focus on studies.
There is
a high possibility that students will have trouble finding time to study.
first advantage is that students can earn money. Taking a part-time job, in
this point, students can pay a part of their living cost, and at the same
time relieve their parents` burden.
student may be at work a lot and not have as much time to spend with family
and friends.
Getting a part-time job can be a great way to bring in
extra cash, but here are some things I've learned about each step of the
process from my own work experiences and from those of my friends.